Th hive drawit
Th hive drawit

Taox, a sterile mother who served as the teacher to the King's daughters, feared the King's daughters were too weak to succeed the King and invited a rival kingdom, the Helium Drinkers of the Helium Court, to invade the Osmium Court, kill the royal family, and allow Taox to rule the Osmium Court as their regent. When the Osmium King was ten years old, he fell to madness, fearing an event called the Syzygy wherein Fundament's fifty-two moons would align and create a massive tidal wave, the God-Wave, that would destroy Fundament's civilizations. The progenitors of the contemporary Hive were Xi Ro, Sathona, and Aurash, the three daughters of the Osmium King who ruled the continent called the Osmium Court. The Fundament Ocean was toxic, the skies were eternally stormy, the rain poisonous and sometimes corrosive, lightning had enough power to vaporize anyone it struck, "living clouds" called Stormjoys would prey on the populace, and the Krill frequently warred with each other. In terms of environmental hazards, Fundament was almost inhospitable. Their natural lifespan rarely exceeded ten Fundament-years, though females who ate "mother jelly" became able to spawn and live longer. In addition to the Krill, Fundament was home to hundreds of other intelligent species, and Fundament's fifty-two moons were inhabited by a space faring species called the Ammonites who were overseen by the Traveler. The shards of this homeworld became a number of continents that floated upon a sea called the Fundament Ocean within a layer of the gas giant's atmosphere, and the Krill eventually built a meager civilization upon them and forgot their old history. Long ago, the Krill crashed their homeworld into Fundament, ostensibly to hide from something unknown. The Hive trace their origins to a gas giant named Fundament. So we can breed and adapt quickly." - Xi Ro My teacher Taox says this is why we have such short lives.

th hive drawit

If you don't understand something, it will probably kill you.

th hive drawit

The three princesses of the Osmium Court. The Guardians eventually discover that this is just the beginning the Hive have been building an army and intend to invade Earth en masse. The Guardian's Ghost states that he believed the Hive to be contained on the Moon for centuries, but the player first encounters them in Old Russia underneath the Skywatch, where the Fallen have attempted to seal them away.

th hive drawit

To the Hive, killing and conquest are not merely acts of war, but of worship.Īt the time of the first Destiny game, they have burrowed deep into the Moon, staying there for centuries while growing stronger. They base their entire existence around the extermination of other forms of life, especially those that follow the way of Light and the Traveler, and approach their task with religious fervor. The Hive are not an enemy military so much as a rising force. They are able to manipulate the physical world in ways humanity can only begin to imagine, and have witnessed the Darkness consume countless worlds in the past. Hive structures delve deep into wherever they lay claim to, unheeding of the damage done in the process, crafting linked caverns and gothicesque columns these underground spaces resemble a dungeon recently pulled up after an extended period underwater. The Hive are an "impossibly ancient" race born from a pact with the Worm Gods. They also have a strong presence in the Dreaming City and Tangled Shore.

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In Sol, they have a significant presence on the Moon, where they have built the Hellmouth and Scarlet Keep, as well as having a presence on certain regions of Earth, around Saturn, where the massive Dreadnaught orbits, the icy regions of Mars and on Titan, where they infest the ruined arcologies. Along with the Darkness itself, they are led by a pantheon of dark gods, who derive power and sustenance from the destruction wrought by the Hive. Their entire culture is based around a principle known as the Sword Logic, which dictates that they must destroy other civilizations in order to accrue paracausal power and feed the Worms that live within their bodies. The Hive, formerly known as the Krill, are a macabre, incredibly ancient species of aliens that worship and serve the Darkness. " There are nightmares rising from the shadows, and they hunger for our dying hope." - Grimoire description


Live forever by being synonymous with deathīreak free from the Worms's Pact, and the Sword Logic find another way to acquire sustenance Serve the Hive pantheon by consuming all Light

Th hive drawit